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About Us

About Superwheat

We hear a lot about healthy lifestyle which includes chemical-free food, fresh air, and our closeness to nature. When talking to our elders they say “hamare time me to khane me swad hota tha; abb wo swad nahi”- (“In our times there was a taste of food; No that taste now”). They relish those memories when the family members in the house used to prepare fresh food, grown in their own farms, and that too without any chemicals like urea, pesticides, etc. The more we are close to nature and receive her products with minimum adulteration the more our life becomes healthy and prosperous. We too believe in nature’s gifts.

Now things have changed, we live in the 21st Century, we have modern lifestyles, corporate cultures and lots of traveling due to work. We live in metro cities that do not have open farms, it is so densely occupied for residences and office areas. And due to these limitations, the quality of food has degraded. But our body still needs the same essential nutrients for its healthy working. There is no harm in modern lifestyle but the way it is being perceived is killing the real essence of “being alive”. We enjoy good food prepared with the best of ingredients but the irony is that it does not contain the right nutrients i.e., micro and macronutrients that are abundantly available in a healthy soil. As a result of this, food only calms the fire of the stomach but does not fulfill the requirement of energy at the cellular level.

To fulfill the exponentially growing demand and taking advantage of the fast lifestyle, chemical-based farming has been widely accepted as the solution. But this style of farming is unable to provide all the necessary nutrients in the food. Therefore, we end up having food that tastes good (due to spices) but does not have a good impact on our body. It ends up giving us just calories but no health. Whosoever is connected to the entire chain is not benefitted in real terms, be it farmer; nature; or consumer.

When we realized these facts, this generated an eagerness to grow food organically for ourselves. We started organic (Jaivik) farming in our own farms few years ago and we were able to grow wheat, mustard seeds, vegetables, and fruits. From there we learned that the soil which is treated with natural methods like organic manure and natural practices gives the right nutrients to the soil to grow grains and other foods. The same good nutrients pass on to the standing crops in the soil. This allowed us to understand the real balance between human beings and Mother Nature. The organically grown food will give you real taste along with health benefits. This boosts your immunity and gives a soulful mind and a healthy body. We further realized that the “staple” food that we eat every day (“well who will not enjoy a meal with sabzi and few chapatis or roties in lunch and dinner; bread or khulcha made of whole wheat in breakfast and some biscuits for snacking; or puri as festive treats? everyone enjoys it be it kids or grown-ups; the food we would love to enjoy every day, on all occasions, and happy moments”) must be free from harsh chemicals.

Superwheat is created with the mission and vision to eat healthy; serve healthy and build healthy society. We should know what we eat, how we grow it, and what we relish as true taste in our plates; so that we make healthy ourselves, healthy kids, and healthy families. We are not just middlemen but offer a true partnership with farmers. We grow, we understand the soil, we connect with farmers, and pass on organic practices and their benefits. If you spend for a healthy day today you will have a healthy tomorrow, by strongly believing in nature’s gift we offer you different, traditional (desi), premium, sugar-free, and unique (2000 years old) varieties of wheat & flour (atta) 100% genuine organic; cookies/biscuits made of whole wheat organic flour and natural oils; grown with natural manures and other organic practices. So do not just eat roti or chapati or cookies but know what variety you relish most and enjoy your meal every day; we would love to partner with you in our mission of a healthy society and happy farmers.

Our Belief

It is rightly said “you are what you eat” so you must “know what you eat”.

दीपो भक्षयते ध्वान्तं कज्जलं  प्रसूयते |
यदन्नं भक्षयेन्नित्यं जायते तादृशी प्रजा ||


Lamp eats darkness and produces [black] soot!
What food (quality) one eats daily, so will [one] become.

Our Background

The founders of Superwheat are from engineering and finance backgrounds. They quote “Ancestors were educated and farmers, we are educated too with modern degrees but learning new advance skills to cultivate and harvest wheat of traditional varieties. Our ancestors’ agricultural roots, today’s need of organic nutrition and regaining ecological harmony in soil & water collectively; driving us to cultivate and provide healthy food to consumers and bring harmony in nature.”

What We Offer

  • Organically grown in the farms of Bhiwani (Haryana).
  • An initiative to eat healthy, provide healthy and build healthy society.
  • We know what we grow in the lands and how we grow it- not a middle-man’s job, instead directly connected to the roots.
  • Wheat being the most consumed staple food in our everyday life; should be free from harsh chemicals.
  • Refer our blogs for detailed study and test reports to know nutrients value and understanding the goodness of wheat.
  • Available in multiple varieties to relish natural taste – Know your taste and enjoy your nutritious meal every day!

What We Plan

Our Misson

  • Grow food organically with natural best practices.
  • Preserve soil and bring ecological harmony.
  • Build trust in farmers through sustainable agriculture income.
  • Provide healthy food to consumers.

Our Vision

To set up a sustainable agriculture growth model by providing organic nutrition to consumers, trust to farmers, and ecological harmony in nature.

